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You have reached the official site of //The Ellesmere Echo//, Ellesmere's only privately owned community newspaper.
**Our Mission:** To connect and inform communities throughout the Ellesmere and Selwyn district (Canterbury, New Zealand) and to provide a quality newspaper that will help strengthen those ties.
//**The Ellesmere Echo**//
Circulation: 3,000 –This covers the area from Southbridge, Leeston, Doyleston and RD 13 together with rural delivery areas RD 2 & RD 3 in between. There are additional drop-off points in Rakaia, Lincoln, Springston and Rolleston.
Extra coverage is now included through this site, the Selwyn App and on Facebook.
We, at the Echo try to be environmentally friendly with all our business decisions and wish to inform our readers that we
have chosen environmentally friendly inks and we print on recycled
We support local and our paper is printed nearby by Canterbury Print Service in Christchurch.
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When submitting articles please restrict your news to 200 - 250 words, or more by negotiation prior to the deadline day.